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Hypothesis "TRIADS Structure of Everything"

By Brian Miller 



In December 2001 I became interested in something that I had never conscientiously heard of before. That something was "Theory of Everything". I began to see structures of THREE (two and one) all around and I made the decision as I felt it important to start recording these details, so as to try and make some sense of it all at a later date. With this I felt had the answer before I knew the question, which sounds a crazy thing to say, but it's true that's how I felt.

Everything I saw before me fell into place, when there was no out of place in the first instant. What you see before you is that record of those details as well as a record as such leading to the date shown at the bottom of this page. See what you make, of what seems to me, to be a very clear and simple concept. The label for two and one structures or structures of three is TRIAD(S ).

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