Something, nothing, and everything comes in threes. Enjoy this 9 minute expose on why we conceptualize, organize, and tri-compartmentalize in threes.
”Three is the magic number”
The Book of Threes
Here you will find “old wives tales”, superstitions and famous sayings. From “Three is the Magic Number” to language “hooks” like “of the people, by the people, and for the people. Definition: an informal word or expression which is more suitable for use in speech than in writing
Something, nothing, and everything comes in threes. Enjoy this 9 minute expose on why we conceptualize, organize, and tri-compartmentalize in threes.
”Three is the magic number”
The Book of Threes
Verb. triple dog dare. (slang, US) Used to denote compounding levels of dare”seriousness”; the escalation of a double dog dare. I triple dog dare you to jump.
To “double dog dare” someone is to challenge them emphatically or defiantly, although the “challenge” is often meant humorously, or at least not very seriously: “I double dog dare you to eat the entire box of doughnuts!”