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A talk with Ben McKenzie about cryptocurrency. We made money up, it’s not real. It’s an elaborate system of IOU’s (I Owe You). Money is trust. “Crypto is not currency, they are securities”. It’s a Ponzi scheme.
Currency has three key features. See video 1 min 40 sec. View
Little Lawyer Lesson #1: Use Trilogies #shorts. Robert Gouveia Esq.
Trilogies can be very powerful tools of persuasion. Terence McCarthy, author of MacCarthy on Cross-Examination, explains just how important trilogies are in trials.
Little Lawyer Lesson #1: Use Trilogies
Robert Gouveia (formerly Robert Gruler) is a criminal defense lawyer in Scottsdale, Arizona, and host of Watching the Watchers, a show focused on Accountability, Transparency and Justice.
I want to use as the subject from which to preach: “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life.” (All right) You know, they used to tell us in Hollywood that in order for a movie to be complete, it had to be three-dimensional. Well, this morning I want to seek to get over to each of us that if life itself is to be complete, (Yes) it must be three-dimensional. . .
I want to use as the subject from which to preach: “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life.” (All right) You know, they used to tell us in Hollywood that in order for a movie to be complete, it had to be three-dimensional. Well, this morning I want to seek to get over to each of us that if life itself is to be complete, (Yes) it must be three-dimensional.