Three little maids from school are we
Pert as a school-girl well can be
Filled to the brim with girlish glee
Three little maids from school!
Everything is a source of fun. (chuckle)
Nobody’s safe, for we care for none! (chuckle)
Life is a joke that’s just begun! (chuckle)
Three little maids from school!
Three little maids who, all unwary
Come from a ladies’ seminary
Freed from its genius tutelary —
Three little maids from school
Three little maids from school!
One little maid is a bride, Yum-Yum —
Two little maids in attendance come —
Three little maids is the total sum
Three little maids from school!
From three little maids take one away
Two little maids remain, and they —
Won’t have to wait very long, they say —
Three little maids from school!
Three little maids from school!
Three little maids who, all unwary
Come from a ladies’ seminary
Freed from its genius tutelary —
Three little maids from school!
Three little maids from school!
Note: Just as The Mikado has essentially nothing to do with then-contemporary Japanese culture, thus by no means were these ever intended to be actually based on Japanese names. Yum-yum is obviously “tasty”. Peep-Bo is just an inversion of Bo Peep. And Pitti-Sing is, um, a “pretty thing”.